
上一篇文章当中,我提到如果F1 OPT学生或是H1B员工最近被雇主解雇后,将有最多60天的宽限期可以准备离境。但因为新冠肺炎的关系,许多人都表示短期内不敢搭乘飞机。如果60天期限到了,但是疫情还是没和缓该怎么办呢? 我建议大家可以考虑递交I-539表格,将身份变更成B1/B2。

B1属于短期商务签证,而B2一般则用于与休闲有关的入境行为。由于移民法中没有明确限定B2的入境目的,通常只要申请人能说明自己入境的行为是以休闲(recreational in nature)为主(例如观光、拜访朋友或亲戚、休息、或是医疗照顾),都会获得国土安全部的入境或变更身份的许可。


由于新冠病毒的影响,美国国务院上周已经发出Global Level 4 Health Advisory通知,建议所有的美国公民在这段时间应该避免所有的国际旅行。我认为大家可以以这个为出发点,请求美国移民局准许自己继续停留在美国等待疫情结束。不过B1/B2身份最长只能在美国停留半年,且原则上是不能继续延长。因此年底大家可能还是需要离开美国。



Step 1:首先,你需要在移民局myUSCIS网站上注册一个自己的账号。请注意,在选择Account Type的时候,你应该选择 “I am an applicant, petitioner, or requester”。关于如何设立账号,可以参考这里

Step 2:设定好账号后,你需要选择 “File a form online”,并选择 “Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status (I-539)。


Step 3: 请详细阅读移民局关于在线递交I-539的所有指示,并尽可能地提供详细的数据给移民局参考。阅读完后,请按 “Start application”。

Step 4: 你在I-539申请表格中将需要提供以下的数据:

1.      What is your current nonimmigrnat status? 请注意目前并不是所有人都可以递交I-539表格。如果你在下拉选单中没有看到你目前的身分种类,你必须提交纸本的I-539申请表。

2.     Were you granted Duration of Status (D/S)? 如果你目前是F-1(包含OPT)身份,请填选 “Yes”。

3.     When does your current nonimmigrant status expire? 请参考你的I-94,上面会说明你目前的身份何时会到期。如果你属于F-1身份,将不需要填写这一题。

4.     What are you applying for? 请按照您的实际情况填写。如果你要求延长自己的B1/B2身份,请选择A。但如果你需要变更到B1/B2身份,请填选C。

A. An extension of stay in my current status

B. Reinstatement to student status

C. A change of status

5.     What is the change of status you are requesting? 请回答你想要变更到什么样的身份。如果要变更到观光签证,请选择B2。

6.     What is the effective date of change? 请填写你何时希望变更身份的申请何时生效? 我会建议从目前身份到期那天开始填写。但实际上移民局可能会要数个月才会审理完成,所以正式生效的日期可能都是数个月以后。

7.     What date are you requesting your current or requested status be extended until? 由于B1/B2身份最长一次只能请求半年。因此这边可以填写effective date of change以后的半年日期。

8.    Is someone assisting you with completing this application? 请回答在递交申请时,是否有其他人帮忙准备或帮你翻译。

9.     What is your current legal name? 请回答你护照上面的名字。

10.What is your current mailing address? 请确实回答邮件地址。移民局会将收据寄到这个地址。

11.  Where do you live now? 请回答你目前居住的地址是否和邮件地址相同。如果不一样的话,请填写居住地址。这个地址将会决定你之后将到哪一个移民局办公室按指纹。

12. What is your physical address abroad? 请回答你在美国境外的居住地址。

13. How can we contact you? 请填写你的联系方式。

14. What is your A-Number? 如果你有移民局外国人号码,请据实填写。

15. What is your USCIS Online Account Number? 如果你有移民局在线帐户号码,请据实填写。

16. What is your U.S. Social Security Number? 如果你有社会安全号码,请据实填写。

17. What is your current passport number? 请填写你的护照号码。

18. What country issued your passport? 请问你的护照是由哪一国签发?

19. What date does your passport expire?请填写你的护照到期日期。

20. What is your country of birth? 请填写你的出生国。

21. What is your country of citizenship or nationality? 请填写你的国籍。如果你有多个国籍,请填写你入境时使用的护照签发国。

22.  Provide information about your most recent entry into the United States. 请根据你的 I-94资料填写最近一次入境时的日期、I-94号码、入境使用的护照号码及签发国、护照到期日期。如果你没有使用travel document入境,请填写none。

23. Have you, or any other individual included on this application, EVER order, incited, called for, committed, assisted, helped with, or otherwise participated in acts involving torture or genocide? 请回答你是否曾经实施任何虐待或基因屠杀的行为?

24. Have you, or any other individual included on this application, EVER ordered, incited, called for, committed, assisted, helped with, or otherwise participated in killing any person? 请回答你是否曾经杀害过其他人?

25. Have you, or any other individual included on this application, EVER ordered, incited, called for, committed, assisted, helped with, or otherwise participated in intentionally and severely injuring any person? 请回答你是否曾经故意并严重的伤害他人?

26.  Have you, or any other individual included on this application, EVER ordered, incited, called for, committed, assisted, helped with, or otherwise participated in engaging in any kind of sexual contact or relations with any person who did not consent or was unable to consent, or was being forced or threatened? 请回答你是否曾经违反过他人意愿而实施任何的性接触行为?

27. Have you, or any other individual included on this application, EVER ordered, incited, called for, committed, assisted, helped with, or otherwise participated in limiting or denying any person's ability to exercise religious beliefs? 请问你是否曾经或是限制他人实施宗教自由的行为?

28. Have you, or any individual included on the application, EVER served in, been a member of, assisted, or participated in any military unit, paramilitary unit, police unit, self-defense unit, vigilante unit, rebel group, guerrilla group, militia, insurgent organization, or any other armed group? 请问你是否曾经参与过任何的军事类组织?

29. Have you, or any individual included in this application, EVER worked, volunteered, or otherwise served in any prison, jail, prison camp, detention facility, labor camp, or any other situation that involved detaining persons? 请问你是否在监狱或是劳改营等囚禁他人的地方工作过?

30. Have you, or any other individual included in this application, EVER been a member of, assisted in, or participated in any group, unit, or organization of any kind in which you or other persons used any type of weapon against any person or threatened to do so? 请问你是否则经参与任何以武力胁迫他人的组织?

31. Have you, or any individual included in this application, EVER assisted or participated in selling, providing, or transporting weapons to any person who to your knowledge, used them against another person? 请问你是否曾经贩卖或运输武器给任何人?

32. Have you, or any individual included in this application EVER received any type of military, paramilitary, or weapons training? 请问你是否曾经接受过任何的军事或武器训练?

33. Have you, or any individual included in this application, done anything that violated the terms of the nonimmigrant status you now hold? 请问你是否曾经违反过你目前的移民身份?

34.  Are you, or any other individual included in this application, now in removal proceedings? 请问你目前是否是在递解出境程序当中?

35.  Is this application based on an extension or change of status already granted to your spouse, child, or parent? 请问你是否是根据你配偶、小孩或父母已经取得的延长或变更身份来提交本申请?

36.  Is this application based on a separate petition or application to give your spouse, child, or parent an extension or change of status? 请问你是否是根据你配偶、小孩或父母另一份延长或变更身份的申请来提交本申请?

37. Are you, or any other individual included on the application, an applicant for an immigrant visa? 请问你是否是任何移民签证的申请人?

38.  Has an immigrant petition EVER been filed for you or for any other individual included in this application? 请问是否有任何人曾经帮你递交移民请求?

39. Has an Application to Register Permanent Resident or Adjust Status (I-485), EVER been filed by you or by any other individual included in this application? 请问你自己或其他人,是否曾经帮你递交I-485表格?

40. Have you, or any other individual included in this application, EVER been arrested or convicted of any criminal offense since last entering the United States? 请问你在最近一次入境美国后,是否曾经因为刑事犯罪而被逮捕或判刑?

41. Have you, or any other individual included in this application, been employed in the United States since last admitted or granted an extension or change of status? 从你最近一次入境后,或是被允许延长或变更身份后,是否曾经在美国工作过? 如果没有工作的话,请解释你目前是如何担保自己在美国的生活的? 例如是否有外国存款,或配偶目前在美国有合法工作?

42.  Are you, or any other individual included on the application, currently or have you ever been a J-1 exchange visitor or a J-2 dependent of a J-1 exchange visitor? 请问你目前或曾经是否是 J-1 或 J-2身份?

43.  Are you the only applicant applying with this form? 请问你是否是单独递交本申请表。请注意,如果还有其他人一起申请的话,他们不能使用在线申请,必须使用纸本申请。

44.  Since obtaining the nonimmigrant status that you seek to extend or from which you seek to change, have you received, or are you currently certified to receive, any public benefits? 自从你取得目前的非移民身份后,请问你是否曾经取得或是获准取得任何的公共福利?

45.  Have you received, applied for, or have been certified to receive federally-funded Medicaid in connection with any of the following? 请问你是否曾经因以下的原因而使用、申请、或获准取得联邦补助的Medicaid?请注意如果你曾经符合任何原因的话,需要提供相对应的证明文件。

46. Provide the applicable start and end dates for federally-funded Medicaid. 如果你符合上述的情况,请提供联邦补助的Medicaid开始的日期。

47.  You may provide additional information for your application. 如果你需要针对本申请提供任何说明,请在这一栏填写。

48.  Your Nonimmigrant Arrival/Departure Record (I-94) 请上传你的I-94表。你可以在这个网站取得自己的I-94表。

49. Your written statement. 请准备一份说明解释为什么需要移民局延长或变更你的身份,你是否只会短暂停留在美国,以休闲(recreational in nature)为主(例如观光、拜访朋友或亲戚、休息、或是医疗照顾)你准备何时离开美国,以及任何延长你身份以后对于你外国居所的影响。此外我也会建议大家说明下打算如何担保自己在美国的生活,并附上一些经济担保证明文件。

  • The reasons for your request for an extension or change

  • The reasons why your extended stay would be temporary, including what arrangements you have made to depart from the United States

  • Any effect the extended stay may have on your foreign employment or residency

50.  Additional evidence you want to provide 你可以上传额外的证明文件(如护照或回程航班取消的通知)给移民局参考。



Step 5: 在递交前,你需要证明自己了解英文并熟悉表格里面的所有问题及移民局的指示。此外,你也需要授权其他的联邦政府机构(如SSA, USDA, HHS, HUD)将你的数据分享给移民局。

Step 6: 请确认你已经据实填写所有数据并签名。请注意,提供任何虚假的数据给移民局,将可能会导致你的申请被拒绝,且你将可能会受到刑事追朔或惩罚。确认无误后,请勾选 “I have read and agree to the applicant's statement.” 并签上你的名字。


Step 7: 最后一步是付$455的规费给移民局。请注意移民局不接受任何理由的退费申请。当你按下 “Pay and submit”后,你将会被转到Pay.gov网站付申请费给移民局。你可以使用信用卡或是在线转账withdrawal from a checking or savings account (ACH)两种方式付费。


递交后申请后,几天内你将会收到移民局的通知告知你申请案件号。你可以回到自己的myUSCIS账号,或是到Case Status Online查询案件的审理进度。大约一个月内,移民局也会安排你的附近的Application Support Center按指纹和拍照。由于疫情的影响,目前移民局已经关闭所有的ASC办公室。因此无法确认何时会被安排按指纹。移民局一般在递交申请以后约5-8个月就会告知结果,不过目前可能会因为疫情的关系而被拖延。



